19 tones in one octave (c, cis/des, d, dis/es, e/eis/f, fis/ges, g, gis/as, a, ais/b, h/his/c), range C – d3, pitch 440 Hz (without transposing), 80 notes, stops 1×8′, The instrument is fully based on Italian single-manual harpsichord after podle Giovanni Battista Giusti, Lucca 1681, which we extended to 19 semithons in one octave, dimensions 200 x 83 x 24 cm, weight 45kg, body false inner – outer corpus, material of corpus is lime-tree wood (bass-wood), sounding board Val di Fiemme spruce, single-manual keyboard 80 notes – boxwood naturals, ebony topped walnut sharps, wooden jacks with delrin plectra (quill feather plectra – supplementary charge) red and yellow brass wire stringing
Possibility to extend the tonal range or other tuning pitch a´
inside of instrument oiled natural wood, external finish colored, vermilion/cinnabar with gilded/silvered molding according to original, varnished, simplified decoration with reduced price is possible on request: sound quality, mechanic and technological tasks are absolutely the same – instruments are ranked among first-rate concert instruments, price difference is proportional to the costs of decoration
note stand, tuning key, italian-type folding stand – natural or colored, varnished, waxed or italian-type stand with ornamental fretwork possible after agreement, fabric carrying case for the instrument